Date Night

The author gets Chinese takeout with a man on a Wednesday.

Amanda Hariri
3 min readAug 12, 2021
Photo: Elena Koycheva/Unsplash

Man: Gets into car with large takeout bag. I don’t even know what I just fucking paid for. You ordered $85 worth of food. Why did you do this?

Woman: Hums nervously.

Man: What.

Woman: Flinches.

Man: Oh Jesus fucking — WHAT?

Woman: Coughs delicately.

Man: No. Nope. I can’t do this tonight. Tell me right now, or I’m getting out.

Woman: Mumbles nervously.

Man: Yes “with the fucking Chinese,” you little shit, you want to eat or not?

Woman: Covers ears, squeezes eyes shut.

Man: I’M NOT EVEN YEL — okay. Softens voice. Amanda. Baby…what’s wrong?

Woman: Whispers. It’s Marzipan Sam.

Man: Closes eyes.

Woman: Marzipan Sam is gone.

Man: Eyes remain closed. Gone.

Woman: Yes.

Man: Deeply inhales. Opens eyes. Starts engine, slowly exits strip mall parking lot. Where did you last see him?

Woman: Did you remember to get enough sweet and sour because last time you only got soy —


Woman: I think he’s been kidnapped.

Man: Slams car horn.

Woman: Ooo, me too! Reaches across, beeps horn twice. Giggles.

Man: What do you mean, you “think he’s been kidnapped” he’s a FUCKING —

Woman: I mean I think he’s been taken against his will.


Woman: Opens purse, withdraws stick of gum.

Man: Lowers voice. Amanda.

Woman: Smacks gum. Ya.

Man: I know what “kidnapped” means. What I am asking is: How do you know he’s not just — away?

Woman: Are you suggesting —

Man: Shakes head aggressively. Nope.

Woman: — that Marzipan Sam would leave?

Man: Okay first, I didn’t say anything about it being like, permanent. Second, I’m simply offering an alternative to your goddamn kidnapping theory.

Woman: THEORY!

Man: Yes. THEORY. Because you have ZERO —

Woman: Throws gum wrapper.

Man: Ducks head. ZERO logical fucking ground to argue that —


Man: Slams breaks at red light. Blinks once. Twice. There what is?

Woman: Tosses arms in air. IT!

Man: Gradually accelerates while white-knuckling steering wheel. What is “IT?”

Woman: Mutters incoherently.



Man: Parks. Get out of the car.

Woman: No.

Man: Amanda, we’re parked a block away from the apartment. You can see it from here. There’s the dead plant you refuse to give up, Hubert —

Woman: Hubert.

Man: That’s what I fucking said.

Woman: No, Hubert. The “t” is silent.

Man: Get out of the car.

Woman: Pokes him. We’re Mr. Macho, now? Pokes repeatedly. Mr. Macho with the MOO. SHU. PORK?


Woman: Giggles.

Twenty seconds pass.

Woman: Crying. Why are you my enemy?


Woman: Stops crying abruptly. Can I have an egg roll, please?

Man: Covers face with palms. How many edibles did you eat before we left Eric’s?

Woman: Holds up one finger.

Man: Nods repeatedly. Oh interesting. Cool…cool, also: how many edibles did you eat?

Woman: Two. Also I found half a joint on the floor — floor score! Can I have an egg roll?

Man: Whispers in a constricted voice. Okay. Yes. Not yet. Okay. Thank you for telling me. Go into the apartment.

Woman: Shrugs. Exits car.

Man: Slowly retrieves takeout bag. Exits car.

Nearby, in the bushes lining the sidewalk, there is a disembodied growl-scream, possibly human, definitely feral.

Man: Drops bag. FUCK me — WHAT WAS THAT?

Woman: Claps hands. HELLO, Marzipan Sam, baby!! Hello! Waves at bush.

Man: Turns away. Walks slowly toward apartment building, abandoning takeout.

Woman: Yells to him. We should order Chinese! I’m so hungry.

